High Quality - Satisfied Customers
Our customers are distinguished by the high quality of their products, which is also a deciding factor in their success in the market — and we have made it our goal to ensure our customers' success. We do this by putting our customers' requirements first.
Our company strives to achieve the highest quality standards to ensure that we can achieve this aim — and these high standards can be seen not only in our machine technology, but also in our human resource management, in our use of resources and in our internal processes. Our employees, investors and the public (legal requirements) also play an important role. So that we can ensure consistently high quality ("total quality") across all areas of the company and all interfaces, we work with management systems, which we are also continuously developing within the Group.
The management systems we apply:
- ISO 9001: Since 1996, this certification has been providing us with a flexible frame-work for continuous improvement. It creates transparency in our internal processes in sales and in the development and manufacture of our machines, while also ensuring constant improvement of our services.
- ISO 14001: This certification is key to our success in the market. Having a certified environmental management system enables us to use resources responsibly and efficiently.
- ISO 50001: This international standard helps us to establish systems and processes to improve energy efficiency.
Thanks to our integrated management system, we are making a vital contribution to sustain-ability worldwide. By pooling resources and utilizing synergies, we are successfully implementing efficient and streamlined energy management. At the same time, we are taking responsibility and looking to establish relationships based on trust and collaboration — not just with our customers, but also with our employees, business partners, suppliers and the general public.
HOMAG India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 285, Rajdhani Industrial Park, Road no. 7,
KIADB 4th Phase, Dabaspet Industrial Area,
Billenkote Village, Bengaluru Rural,
Karnataka, 562111
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